Most insurance companies do cover chiropractic care to an extent and depending on your coverage having insurance can definitely save you money. Like most procedures in the health care circle, insurance usually only covers a portion of needed care.
Many people believe that if they can just somehow obtain really great health insurance (which by the way no longer exists) that this in some way protects them and makes them healthy. Secondly, they think that if a service is not covered by their insurance that they really don’t need it. A prime example is a patient who needed about $1,200 worth of chiropractic care, who had the money but refused the necessary treatment because he felt it was too expensive. When asked if it was more cost-effective to let his spine continue degenerate to the point where he will need a $200,000 surgery which would leave him disabled for life? His straight-faced answer was “Well, my insurance will cover the cost of the surgery.” Now that my friend is just plain crazy.
When it comes to care, if you need it, you need it! Regardless of if it is covered, regardless of if you can “afford” it and regardless of if you want it! If you need it, you need it.
A much better question to ask is “What is the best value for my healthcare dollar?”. Investing your money is all about value not amount. For example, I believe that a dollar wasted is too much but spending a half of a million dollars to buy a one million dollar house is an extraordinary deal.
The truth that any patient with a severely degenerated spine would gladly sign over the deed to their million dollar house, to the doctor, if he could restore their health. The sad fact is that once damaged, there is no cure. There are no spine and nervous system replacements and it is very unlikely there ever will be. What is absolutely tragic is that this type of degeneration is almost 100% preventable with regular check-ups and proper chiropractic maintenance.
Chiropractic is an exceptional value for your healthcare dollar. If you need it, the benefits you receive from chiropractic are incalculable compared to the amount of money spent! In fact they are priceless.