Chiropractic care is vital for people of all ages

Chandler Chiropractic offers a host of services that help alleviate pain and other ailments including headache, numbness, tingling, bed wetting, ear infections, constipation, sports injuries, auto accident injuries and more. We offer family chiropractic care for infants, children, adults, seniors and the elderly.


Chiropractic care is vital for people of all ages

Chandler Chiropractic offers a host of services that help alleviate pain and other ailments including headache, numbness, tingling, bed wetting, ear infections, constipation, sports injuries, auto accident injuries and more. We offer family chiropractic care for infants, children, adults, seniors and the elderly.

Stage of Life Conditions

Chiropractic care is vital for people of all ages. Chandler Chiropractic offers a host of services that help alleviate pain and other ailments including headache, numbness, tingling, bed wetting, ear infections, constipation, sports injuries, auto accident injuries and more.

Pre- and Post-Natal
Pre- and Post-Natal
Our nervous system supports the function of our overies, uteris and other female parts to not only get pregnant but also support the growth and development of fetus. If our nerves are pinched it is more difficult for a female body to support pregnancy. Additionally as the baby grows, a woman’s body changes as well. Chiropractic supports the nervous system function as well as supports the physical changes that happen in the spine during pregnancy – including low back and sciatic pain, increased body pain, headaches and swelling. Several studies have proven that chiropractic can shorten labor times as well as support a woman’s body shortly after child birth.
The birthing process can be very difficult for both mom and child. Our first subluxations – misalignments in the spine – can happen at birth. Infants can have cholic, chronic crying, poor sleep, acid reflux, constipation, problems eating. If the nervous system isn’t functioning at a high level from birth these issues can persist leaving both baby and parents sleepless, anxious and frustrated.
As a toddler learns balance and other fine motor skills they can fall hundreds of times creating small impacts on their spine over and over. These small, repetitive impacts can cause nerves to be pinched in the spine. If those nerves are pinched that go to the bladder for example, it can lead to an overactive bladder and night and bed wetting. Additionally in can affect sleep, constipation, their stomachs and more. Through a series of adjustments during this time, our doctors can take pressure off the nerves and allow your toddler’s body to function better.
As children begin school and become more adventurous like riding bikes, playing sports, carrying heavy backpacks, using more technology devices such as gaming, tablets and phones, and more, it is important to address posture as well as misalignments in the spine as they grow. Large growth spurts can lead to scoliosis, postural issues from computer work and technology can lead to early on set degeneration and more.
Many teenagers have tremendous stress on their spines from carrying heavy backpacks, to studying in the same positions for long periods of time, to excessive use of technology devices.
Young Adults
Young Adults
As a young adult, the physical stresses endured as a teenager plus the emotional stresses of starting a job and living on your own can negatively affect the spine and nervous system. Through chiropractic care, you can better manage the stresses that come as a young adult and avoid those stresses from turning into debilitating arthritis later in life.
Emotional stress like work and finances and physical stress including weight gain, hormone changes, raising a family, physical activity can all have negative impacts on the spine and nervous system. When the nervous system has been compromised for a long period of time other symptoms start to occur as well. Most people blame the symptoms on age, but most of it centers around stress on the body affecting the organs, muscles and tissue due to a compromised nervous system or pinched nerves.
Chiropractic is safe at all stages of life. Because we take x-rays and do a thorough exam the doctors know exactly how to work gently and effectively on the spine and nerves even on aging bodies. Chiropractic care can slow the degenerative process allowing you to be an active senior longer.

$39 New Patient Special

Includes exam and any necessary x-rays.

“Love Chandler Chiropractic Clinic, I was extremely pleased. I left feeling like a million bucks. My sciatica was gone! I highly recommend to anyone who wants to be pain free. All the staff is amazing and so professional!”