- environment
- body
- emotions
Environmental stress is rather self-explanatory. Let’s say you are walking down a quiet road and you hear a loud bang nearby, similar to an explosion. It startles and unnerves you. That is an environmental stressor.
Illness, lack of sleep or poor nutrition are bodily stresses.
Emotional stress is slightly different- it encompasses how we interpret daily events. What’s unique about emotional stress is that we have control over how much of it we experience, much more so than environmental or body stressors.
Now that we understand how stress is received, we can discuss what effects it has on our health. When under stress, the body’s fight or flight response is triggered. Your sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is stimulated, making your heart beat faster and your senses more acute.
However, the danger is that we can become over-stressed. Numerous studies have assessed the impact of chronic stress on the body. Consistently, consequences such as high blood pressure, increased risk for heart disease, damage to muscle tissue, and more are associated with chronic stress. While stress can be beneficial in certain high-performance situations, experiencing it constantly will leave you significantly worse.
Chiropractic care can help alleviate stress. After all, chiropractic focuses on the spine, which is the root of the nervous system. Chronic stress causes muscle contractions and tension, putting uneven pressure on the skeleton, which in turn leads to subluxations. Adjustments help ease muscle tension, which reduces subluxations and eases the stress on certain parts of the skeleton.
Summary courtesy of http://www.100percentchiropractic.com/why-chiropractic-helps-with-stress-reduction/